A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


April 19-20, 2014 - Easter Sunday

Today the somber colors of Lent give way to the joyful hues of Easter. The beauty of our church reflects the beauty of the risen Lord. Light and water replace the night and the desert experience of Lent. A brand-new Easter candle stands at the center of our church. Take a moment to look upon it before you leave. Consciously bless yourself with the holy water at the font.

At this font, three people became Catholic at the Easter Vigil. We welcome Karrington Baisden, and Devin and Kyren McPherson to our parish community. All three faithfully completed their Christian initiation and can fully participate in the worship and life. I wish to thank Mike Dillon for his work with our new members, who with Bro. Phil, Diane Klucka and Deacon Tom, helped prepare Karrington, Devin and Kyren for the Easter sacraments. We already have people interested for the next session of the RCIA. Anyone willing to join our RCIA is more than welcome.

This week I will be helping to host a meeting in Cincinnati with the Franciscan International Commission on Pastoral Education. Most participants speak Spanish only, but they really wanted to meet in the USA for the spring meeting. Next Saturday morning I will attend the solemn profession of a Poor Clare Sister, Sr. Vickie Griner, OSC before returning.


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