A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


April 30-May 1, 2016

May promises to be one of our really busy months here at Transfiguration Parish. I want to give an overview of all the events currently in our parish calendar. Please take some time to read through this lengthy article.

The celebration of first communions will add something special to our 10:00 am mass today. We who have received this sacraments many many times over the years will also recommit ourselves to model our personal faith for our children. On a related note, on May 22 I ask that the parents of our young people in religious education meet with Ms Klucka and myself to evaluate our program. We want to get your input on improving our classes. We will meet right after the 10:00am mass on that day.

Mothers Day and our annual brunch for our mothers will be held on May 8 from 9 am until noon.

Pentecost, on May 14-15, will be made special in a couple different ways, one familiar, the other not so familiar. We will host the 6th Annual Taste of Transfiguration after the Saturday evening mass. Dishes from many different countries and peoples will be prepared for your enjoyment. Make sure you sign up. During all the masses of Pentecost, at least one of the readings will be proclaimed in a language other than English. Pentecost gives us an opportunity to celebrate the many cultures that have welcomed our Catholic faith!

Pentecost is also our day to let the Holy Spirit select our parish lay leaders for the Pastoral Council and Commissions. This special event will take place at the 10:00 am mass. Please be praying for those who have allowed their names to be discerned for these positions.

On Sunday afternoon, May 15, I am asking that you make some time for a special listening session that Archbishop Vigneron wants all parishes to hold. This session is meant to provide the November Synod on Evangelization with your views and concerns regarding this topic. It will begin at 2pm in the parish hall and last until 5pm. Thanks to Laura Dutton for facilitating this session.

The week from May 22 to May 27 is scheduled for a Franciscan assembly of the province, to take place in St. Meinrad, IN. All three of us friars will be gone for those days. The PIME Fathers will be covering Mass and confessions while we are away. This assembly is held every three years. Among other things, we will be discussing the future of all seven Franciscan provinces in the USA. It is very likely that a merger of our provinces will take place in the coming years.


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