A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


August 10-11, 2019

As you are probably aware, the whole church (and our parish) has a program to form and catechize adults and older children who wish to become Catholics. Some of these people may never have been baptized; some may have been baptized in another Christian denomination but now wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. This is our program of Christian Initiation. It involves regular meetings with a catechist where the central elements of our faith are presented and discussed. There are moments of prayer and reflection and periodic ritual celebrations with the wider community throughout the year where we pray with them and ask God’s blessing on their faith journey. Because of these rituals, the whole process is sometimes called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults , abbreviated RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children, abbreviated RCIC. You are probably familiar with these acronyms. 

A vital and growing parish like ours always likes to have some people participating in this process each year. I find it personally renewing to welcome and accompany people on such a journey of faith. It always helps a community to remember that the faith is alive, appealing, and attracting people. Last year Transfiguration was blessed with two teenagers and one adult. We are planning to offer this program again this year, beginning in the fall. At the moment, however, we do not have anyone who has come forward asking to join the Catholic Church. If you are one of these people or you know anyone (family? friends?) who may be interested in such a program, please invite them to consider this opportunity. We would be happy to meet with them, explain the process and program or answer any questions. Thanks for your help! 

Fr. Jeff


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