A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


August 31 - September 1, 2019

Monday, September 2 is Labor Day, already! This holiday pretty much marks the end of summer and perhaps with a bit of melancholy, the return to our regular routines. For us here at Transfiguration, that means that we will begin our religious education classes soon and the meetings of our Commissions will resume. 

Next weekend we will have our Time and Talent weekend, which is an opportunity to become aware of all the possibilities to serve and volunteer as a member of this parish. We are really grateful for the many people who give of their time and talent, who volunteer to be on a commission, to serve, to lector, to sing, to usher, to teach, to count, to plan events, to cook, to clean, etc., so let me to take this opportunity to thank all our parishioners who work so hard, so generously and faithfully to make this a vital and vibrant parish. It would be great if every parishioner could find a way to help the parish even in some small way! If you are unable to volunteer, please do pray for me, the staff, and all other members of the parish. Please pray that we will remain faithful to our mission of Unleashing the Gospel in this time and place. 

Labor Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our ability to contribute (even if we are retired!). We ask God to give “success to the work of our hands,” as the psalmist says. Though we do sometimes find work to be drudgery and not very life-giving, at its best it is a sharing in what God first did when he “worked” to create the world. Now we also reflect on the ability and opportunity we have to contribute to the betterment of our society, to build up, rather than tear down, to participate in the sacred work of renewing the world. Have a blessed holiday, and may God give success to all our endeavors and plans this coming year. 

Fr. Jeff


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