A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


December 10-11, 2016

 We are beginning the 3rd week of Advent; the days slip by so quickly for all of us. Ask me if I have finished sending out my Christmas cards - ask me if I have even addressed the envelopes yet! Perhaps writing this out on Monday will motivate me to have some progress to report this weekend. I hope that the busy days have allowed you some quiet time with the Lord to ponder once again the deeper meanings of these holy days.

If your schedule allows, consider giving witness for life on Friday afternoons at 1:00 pm. During the fall 40 Days for Life, a group of parishioners faithfully kept vigil at the Northland Family Planning Center on Evergreen Rd. They decided to keep meeting for the foreseeable future. You are welcome to join them in their witness. Contact the parish office if you wish to participate, at whatever frequency you are able.

I want to give you one final reminder about the Advent Reconciliation Service that will take place this Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. On December 20, you can also join Our Lady of Sorrows or Shrine Parish for their services. Of course, you may run into Fr. Jeremy or myself at these services!


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