A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


February 9-10, 2019

In his Pastoral Letter, Unleash the Gospel, Archbishop Vigneron wrote: 

I charge parishes to have a prayer and intercession team, to pray for the mission of the parish and intentions from the leadership team and to provide ongoing prayer support of that team.

It is time for Transfiguration to implement this mandate.   This group would: 

-meet regularly, possibly weekly 

-no longer than an hour (at church or in a home) 

-members should be willing to set aside their own prayer agenda 

-be willing to pray spontaneously for parish needs 

A typical prayer session might look like this: 

-Begin with song 

-Read the coming Sunday Scripture, share reflections 

-Praise and thank God for blessings received 

-Pray for Pastor, and Staff, Pastoral Council, Commissions, Parishioners 

-Pray for intentions submitted by Pastor and Parishioners 

On a rotating basis (these are examples): 

-Pray for parishioners named in parish directory 

-Pray for events listed in the bulletin 

-Pray for various parish groups: students in RE, engaged, sick, etc. 

-Ask intercession of saints (e.g., St. Anne, Blessed Solanus) 

-Close with Our Father and song 

If you are interested in this ministry, please let Fr. Jeff know by February 15. 

Fr. Jeff


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