A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


May 14-15, 2016

If you haven't signed up for Sunday afternoon's listening session, please consider doing so after this mass. Every voice counts at this stage of the Synod preparation. Here are the questions that you'll be asked to give a response to:

* What is an encounter with Jesus?
* What is Evangelization, anyway?
* How do you grow daily as a disciple?
* How do you witness Christ’s mercy?

These questions are very open-ended. You may have much to say about one and little to say on the others, but all the same, each person's experience deserves to be heard.

Our Knights of Columbus Council is hosting an information night this Wednesday evening at 7 pm in the parish hall. Men, you owe it to yourself to check this group out. Our council is one among many in the Detroit area. It has many dedicated men who are growing in their commitment to the church and who do generous work for our parish, including lending a hand to our recent Rebuilt Oakland County project.

Finally, next Sunday, May 22nd I invite the parents of our religious education students to a special meeting at 11:00 am. I would like your input on how we can improve our parish faith formation program. You will be receiving a letter from me with more details. We will hold the meeting in the Duns Scotus room next to the parish hall.


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