A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


May 25-26, 2019

Welcome Desk 

As you have hopefully noticed, before and after each weekend mass a parishioner is available at the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Space to answer any questions or respond to any need that you might have. You may want to register in the parish, or sign up for some event. You may want more information about an upcoming event. You may want to leave a message for one of the priests or other staff. You may want information about sacraments like Baptism or Weddings. You may wish to request a mass intention. The person at the desk may not have the answer right away, but this real live person will see that your concern is passed on to those who can respond as soon as possible. 

For the past several months, this responsibility has been taken on a rotating basis by Parish groups like the Pastoral Council, the Commissions, the Legion of Mary, the Men’s Club, and the Knights of Columbus. These big-hearted parishioners are already significantly involved in parish activities, but they generously add this to their busy days. 

We would like to invite parishioners who are not part of these groups to take a turn at the Welcome Desk. It really isn’t that hard, and we can teach you all you need to know. You don’t have to know everything about the parish, just be kind and willing to pass on the concern to the Parish Staff. We ask these persons to be at the welcome desk about 10 minutes before the mass, and 15 minutes after the mass. You can volunteer to Paula Hillman at phillman@transfigsfld.com, 248 356 -8787 x 3114, or through the parish office. Thanks for considering this ministry. It is an easy and simple way to assist and come to know your fellow parishioners. 

Fr. Jeff


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