A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


October 4-5, 2014

Our turn to provide for the homeless through the South Oakland Shelter (SOS) will soon be upon us. Please take a moment to see what openings still need your help. The table is in the gathering room. As of this writing, I counted 47 lines looking for your name. I'm sure it will be less by the time you read this.

This Monday evening at 7:00pm we will hold an hour of prayer, followed by a Mass for the unborn. There are so many ways to give witness to the sanctity of life. Prayer is always the place to begin. Come join us for this special event. We will be taking up a collection of baby articles for Mothers and Unborn Baby Care, which is right here in Southfield. Consider signing up for the 40 Days for Life. The schedule book is in the gathering area.

Bro. Eric who is with us for a year of his Franciscan training has encountered a difficulty with his immigration status in regards to his student visa. He is now in Montreal waiting for his situation to be straightened out. Please pray that the matter is handled quickly. We hope he will be able to rejoin our community soon. His email is: enjs33@yahoo.com


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