A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


September 22-23, 2018


A few weeks back, our youth minister Joe Dallo told me that because of family and school obligations he would have to step down from that role. Joe and his wife Maria just had a second daughter, Felicity. Congratulations! Joe is also studying theology and ministry at Sacred Heart Seminary, so they have their hands full.  Joe has done a great job with the young people and we are grateful for his presence and work. Thank you, Joe; all the best as you move on. 

After some consultation, we have decided to ask our Junior and Senior High youth to join Our Lady of La Salette Parish in Berkley on Monday evenings from 7-9 pm. We realize that this will present some challenges for us, but it can also strengthen our outreach and accompaniment of our youth. We have some history there; I understand that for a time in the past Transfiguration youth and La Salette youth were together. Our Lady of La Salette has two dedicated youth ministers, a man and a woman, who have welcomed our young people to join them. Both groups are small, and working together will strengthen both of us. They have a dedicated room for youth ministry. They provide opportunities for discussion, service, and even mission trips. From time to time, events can be held here at Transfiguration. 

We would love to be able to provide some adult accompaniment from our parish to our young people, at least from time to time, as they gather at Our Lady of La Salette. If anyone has any interest, please let me know. The first gathering of the year is Monday, September 24, 7 pm at La Salette.  I will be present to welcome our young people at that gathering. So Junior and Senior High Transfiguration youth: see you there! 

Fr. Jeff


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