Each person has to discern his or her personal vocation. Some are called to lay ministry, consecrated life, some to marriage, the single life, the priesthood as a diocesan priest of as a member of relgious community, or permanent diaconate. Each person takes his or her own path in vocations, living the Gospel through love and service.
Consecrated Life
Transfiguration is served by members of the Franciscan Friars, a fraternity of priests and brothers founded by St. Francis of Assisi. We would welcome the opportunity to share our life with you. If you have any questions or interest, contact anyone of the Franciscan Friars.
US-6 Franciscan Vocation Ministry
1-800-677-7788 ext. 345
Holy Orders
As people of God, we all share in the priesthood of Christ, and so the Church speaks meaningfully of "the priesthood of all believers." Each of us is to exercise our priesthood by strengthening and serving one another. Within the Church there are many means of service. One way of service stands out as a sacrament, namely Holy Orders, which ordains the recipient to the office of bishop, priest or deacon.
The priest's special calling is first and foremost to preach the Good News of God's love and humanity. In offering himself as a candidate for the priesthood, he must give evidence of wisdom and spiritual maturity, as he is called to lead the Christian community with patience and kindness. The priest celebrates Mass and administers the Sacraments, taking an active role in offering Christ's gift of Himself.
From earliest times, deacons have had a special place in the pastoral work of the Church, preaching, ministering at baptisms and weddings, and caring for the poor and hungry on behalf of the whole Church. Nowadays, married men are more and more frequently ordained to the diaconate, where they have a strong role in assisting priests and bishops and serving the people.
Archdiocese of Detroit
Diocesan Priesthood / Permanent Deacon Vocations - Archdiocese of Detroit (aod.org)
Bernadine Franciscan Sisters Explore Your Call (bfranciscan.org)