A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


August 19-20, 2017

This past week we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On Tuesday of this week there is another Marian memorial, the Queenship of Mary. Both these remembrances highlight some aspect of Biblical teaching, although perhaps not as clearly as we might see at first glance. It might do us well to reflect on these two celebrations to better understand Mary’s place in our Christian/Catholic theology and spirituality. 

The solemnity of the Assumption of Mary was a 20th century addition to the Church liturgical calendar. Pope Pius XII affirmed this as a doctrine of the Church in the year 1950. What makes this teaching important and relevant to us is that it reaffirms our belief in the “resurrection of the body and life everlasting” which we pray in our creedal formulas. In the NT we read that Jesus rose from the grave and ascended to His heavenly Father. From early times Christians believed that Mary also was taken to heaven after her death to be with her Son Jesus and God the Father. This tradition and belief speaks to us of a redeemed, risen, and restored humanity that is promised not only to the God-Man Jesus but also to those who believe in and obey the Word of God he proclaimed. Jesus revealed this message of redemption and reconciliation; Mary, His mother became the prime witness of humanity’s incorporation into the Body of Christ as she was assumed into heaven to be with her Son. 

Mary’s ‘Queenship” may be something less familiar and less resonant with our theological understanding. To make a long story short, this teaching flows from the OT Biblical traditions of the role of the “Queen Mother.” The mother of the Israelite king in Biblical tradition was a prominent and influential resource to the King. She sat at her son’s right hand in the throne room. She gave advice to the king and often made intercessions to the king on behalf of the people he governed. This tradition of the “Queen-Mother” in Israel became applied to Mary early on in the history of the Church. Jesus was recognized and honored as the King of the Universe, and Mary, His mother, was seen as queen, in keeping with the Israelite tradition of royal governance. So, it is understandable that the Church has revered Mary not only as having been assumed into heaven, but also as Queen Mother who lives with her Son Jesus in the glory of God the Father. To find more information on the role of the Queen mother in OT Israel, you may want to research this history on the internet. Mary was quite familiar with the history and customs of her ancestors. We might honor Mary by becoming more familiar with the life and times of ancient Israel. 

Fr. Dennet


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