As children are preparing to return to school in the coming days, we are gearing up for the coming season of Religious Education for the children of the parish. If you have young children in elementary or middle school, please have them registered soon. We consider the years in between first communion and confirmation as equally important times for our children to grow in their faith. As always, we welcome anyone who would like to volunteer in our religious education programs. Please see Diane Klucka or one of the friars here.
I would like you to consider joining our group of Eucharistic Ministers. Deacon Tom always took one of the positions, and now we need some people to step in to take his place. Please let us know if you are willing to be trained and assigned at the mass you usually attend. We can always benefit from more lectors and ushers too!
Last June we hosted Fr. Thomas Carroll from the Piarist Fathers for our annual mission appeal. He recently wrote a nice thank-you note for the collection that followed. You were very generous in responding to his appeal: $4,070.12 in support of the Church's mission efforts.
The bishops of the USA are calling for a special Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities on Sept 9, which is the feast of St. Peter Claver. This day of prayer is in response to the racially motivated violence impacting many of our local communities. Our parish will be making plans to recognize this day. The bishops added: "Please join us as we pray for racial justice, peace and healing. As a U.S. Catholic community, may our unified prayers this day strengthen our efforts to advance race relations, restorative justice, mental health, economic opportunity and pervasive gun violence."
Fr. Jeremy will be taking some well-earned vacation time this week. Welcome back, Bro. Phil from your time away with your family.