A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


August 6-7, 2016

Happy Feast of the Transfiguration! We close our special parish week of mercy with the celebration of the patronal feast of our parish, followed by our parish picnic after the noon mass. I want to thank everyone who had a hand in making our parish mission a success, especially Carolyn, Julie, Joyce, Susan, and Paula, not to mention Frs. Page and Larry.

As the summer begins to wind down, my thoughts turn to two programs which begin in September. The first program, the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) will have its first meeting soon. Those who feel drawn to join the Catholic Church should sign up in the weeks ahead. If you know of someone in your family or circle of friends who has expressed any interest in becoming Catholic, urge them to contact the parish office or parish staff. We are eager to meet them and answer any questions they have about joining the RCIA.

Towards the end of September we will offer the first part of the ChristLife program again: Discovering Christ. We've set aside Tuesday evenings, from September 27th for the seven weeks of this program. Former participants are invited to come back and help. Anyone who would like to resume the 3nd or 3rd sessions will be welcomed back too when we start them. We have just begun to tap the potential of this program for our parish!


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