Each morning when we read the newspaper or each evening when we watch the news we hear that the COVID 19 virus is surging, spreading almost exponentially. In the coming weeks, it is more important than ever that we do all that we can to protect ourselves and one another, that we remain safe, especially when we gather to pray during the Advent and Christmas seasons. Thank you for wearing masks and for cooperating with the need for social distancing.
We are trying to take great care during the distribution of communion, but just a few reminders. We now have two stations, one in the front, one in the middle. We are inviting people to come forward in a single line. We ask that those on the right side of the church come forward first, then those on the left side of church. (We are always happy to bring communion to those who find it difficult to come forward.)
During these days of abundant precaution, it is most helpful if you receive in your hand. It is also most helpful if, when you put forth your hands, that you keep your hands as flat as possible. We are trying to avoid any skin to skin contact. We will carefully place the host on your outstretched hand. Sometimes people cup or curve their hands, or close their hands rather quickly after receiving. Remember. FLAT. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is helpful to the one distributing Holy Communion. If you receive on the tongue, it would be most helpful if you wait until the end to reduce the possibility of an accidental touch of the tongue spreading germs or exposure to droplets coming from the mouth.
Let’s stay safe and healthy! Thank you for your cooperation.
Fr. Jeff