Of various things…
Our neighboring parish, Our Lady of the Albanians has completed construction of a new social hall. They held an inauguration ceremony on November 30 at 7:00 PM in the evening. This day was chosen because November 30 is Albania’s Independence Day. Albanian people were under Ottoman domination for 500 years, and about 50 years under communism. The hall has been named “Albanian American Cultural Center ‘Mother Teresa.’” We congratulate Our Lady of the Albanian Parishioners and pray God’s blessing upon them!
We also wish to congratulate our parishioner Laura Piotrowski who is one of 23 recipients of the Golden Rose Award from the Archdiocese of Detroit Council of Catholic Women. This award honors high school aged young women who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, spirituality and service in the Church and the community. Laura certainly fits that description with her participation in the choir, as an altar server, youth activities, and her assistance in our Parish Religious Education Program. Congratulations, Laura, and thank for your witness!
From time to time parishioners have written checks to individual friars for various occasions. The friars are grateful for your generosity and kindness. However, our bank will no longer accept checks made out to individual friars; they have to be made out to the name on our Friary bank account: “The Franciscans.” As you probably know, because of our vows, friars do not have individual banks accounts, but put all money received into a common fund. Anything designated for a particular friar can be made available to him. Again, thanks for your understanding and generosity to us!
Usually December 8 is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, and a Holy Day of obligation. This year, however, the feast is transferred to December 9, and the obligation to attend Mass is removed. On December 8 we will celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Fr. Jeff