A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


February 1-2, 2020

Today a special feast replaces the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Today’s Gospel tells the story. Forty days after the birth, the first born son was to be presented in the Temple. As Mary and Joseph fulfilled this dictate of the Law, Simeon and Anna recognized who he was: “a Light of revelation for the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel.”

As we recognize who he is for us, we can begin to think about who we are because of him? Jesus shares his call to be Light with us. Next Sunday we will hear that very clearly.

How can we be the Light? How can we become enlightened?

In honor of Christ who is our Light and our call to reflect that light, it is our custom to bless the candles that we use in liturgy. Perhaps you could light a special candle in your home, thanking God for the gift of Jesus as our Light, and accepting the invitation to be a light ourselves.

Ponder this:

We are called to be light in the world.

Fr. Jeff


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