A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


January 12-13, 2019

Last Sunday we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany, a word which means manifestation, revelation, appearance, making known, or showing forth. Jesus was revealed first to poor Jewish shepherds and then to wealthy Gentile Magi. Jesus is proclaimed as the light for all people!

This theme of proclaiming Jesus as our Light and Savior continues for the next two Sundays, with two more "epiphanies" about him. Today, as we celebrate his Baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist, we hear John proclaim Jesus as "one mightier than he," and the One "who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire." And then the Father confirms that as the Voice from the heavens reveals him as his beloved Son with whom He is well pleased. Jesus' baptism is another Epiphany, another proclamation. Next Sunday Jesus begins his public ministry by attending a wedding in Cana. We hear how Mary nudges him to save the newly married couple from embarrassment by doing something about the lack of wine for the celebration. He does so by changing water into fine wine. John the evangelist calls this a "sign" and concludes this story by saying what Jesus did "revealed his glory." Another Epiphany, another revelation, about who He is and what He can do for us. Jesus has been sent to change things! We will continue to hear many stories in the Gospels of ways that Jesus is revealed throughout the year as the One sent from God for us and what He wants to do in us. I think these Epiphanies continue right into our times and our day. How has Jesus been revealed to you personally? Who or what reveals Jesus to you now? In Advent we prayed around the theme Bring Him Forth. Maybe another way of saying that same thing during this season can be: "Be an Epiphany!"

Fr. Jeff


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