This weekend begins a period of special prayer and intercession, promoted by the Catholic Church and known as "9 Days For Life." We carried an insert in the bulletin last week on pro-life news which made note of it. In the middle of the novena is the 43rd anniversary of Roe vs Wade. I ask you to set aside time each day for these nine days to pray for our country, that our country might recognize and reaffirm the sanctity of life.
It won't be long before we enter into the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, which falls in the calendar quite early this year, on February 10. Make plans for to attend our Friday Fish Fry, followed by stations of the cross. For a complete list of Lenten activities, keep an eye on the bulletin.
I am looking forward to attending our two volunteer appreciation evenings. The first on January 23rd will recognize our youth appreciation; adults will have their party on January 29th. I always enjoy recognizing all the hard work our volunteers do to support our parish.