A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


July 11-12, 2015

Bulletin, July 11-12, 2015

Vacation Bible School starts on Monday, 8:45! Exciting days! Remember in your prayers all the children and the teachers and helpers. Next Sunday the 19th parishioners provide lunch for Crossroads Soup Kitchen. Thanks to all of you who contributed or are working and to the Christian Service Commission and Mike Dillon.

On August 3rd some parishioners will also be participating in the End Homeless Run/Walk fundraiser for South Oakland Shelter. We will host the homeless here the week of October 11. Thanks for being generous and active as a parish—Franciscan Outreach every Monday and Wednesday, St. Vincent de Paul, SOS, the Crossroads Soup Kitchen, collections for missions and many other ways.

This Sunday after the 10:00 Mass I will host an “inquiry session.” It is a friendly gathering in my office for those who have questions about Church teaching or want to know more about their faith. Some want to explore becoming Catholic. All are welcome. No commitment. Those who choose to do so will begin the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation on Adults) program after Labor Day.

Save the date for a tour of the Church on Sunday, August 16, after the noon Mass. Parishioners and anyone interested are invited. We will try to answer the questions you have. You can have a closer look at the sacred vessels, the sacristy and vestments. Or you may be interested in the art and symbolism and history of the Church.

Perhaps you can think of someone you can invite and bring with you. Your neighbors or friends may be curious about how we worship here at Transfiguration. They may like to see our Reconciliation Room and what we do there, or know the history of the Stations of the Cross. In “The Joy of the Gospel” Pope Francis notes that there are people “who preserve a deep and sincere faith, expressing it in different ways, but seldom taking part in worship.” Maybe they have never been invited to see a Church. Your suggestions for the tour are welcome. Peace!  Fr. Jeremy


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