A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


June 20-21, 2015

Last Sunday's gospel contained two parables about seeds and plants. These parables reminded me to share with you some information on our own parish grounds. Who can forget the many weeks that it took to repair the drainage sewer along Code Road? The sewer work is finished, but some of the damage incurred along the way is waiting to be fixed, including the parish sprinkler system. It cannot be operated until it is repaired.

As a result, the landscape plants around the front entrance have not yet been replaced. Those plants took too much salt damage and had to be removed. Once the sprinkler system is operative again, new permanent landscaping will be put in. We will soon plant some annuals however. Also, the hedges around the prayer garden are being cut back due to winter die-off. They are already beginning to grow back on their own. In time they should restore themselves completely.

I will be taking part of my vacation from Wednesday of this week until July 8th. Fr. Jeremy will be on retreat all of that week. We'll have visiting priests come in for Thursday, Friday and the weekend. Our weekend visiting priest, Fr. Koos Walters, will be here as part of the Missionary Cooperative Program. There will be a second collection for the missions.


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