A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


June 30 - July 1, 2018


At the Pastoral Council meeting last week we endorsed the Vision Statement, along with some goals and strategies which will help us move toward that vision of the future and guide us in practical and specific ways in the coming year. In the next few bulletins, I would like to share with you some of those goals and strategies. We invite you to pray over these plans to see how you might be a part of the process. Though we are still on the job during the summer, we will give these fresh attention in the fall. 

Vision Statement

The Church of the Transfiguration will continue to be a vibrant Catholic community, rooted in Franciscan spirituality, where the joy of the Gospel of Jesus is lived, loved, and shared. We will be known for our responsiveness to the spiritual needs of our diverse community, for our engaging liturgy, for our hospitality, and for our continuous outreach to those who are poor. 

Goal 1: To strengthen and deepen our spirit of hospitality 

1) We will welcome visitors at liturgy.

(Ushers, Worship, Presiders) 

2) We will have someone present at the information desk after each liturgy.

(Members of Pastoral Council and Commissions) 

3) We will develop a welcome program for new parishioners.


4) We will have a social after the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses at least once a month.

(Members of Parish Commissions and Volunteers) 

Goal 2: To raise the profile of the parish 

1) We will establish a PR/Communications Committee.


2) We will invite a well-known “high profile” speaker.


3) We will review the signs on the parish campus.


4) We will continue a presence on Social Media (E.g., Facebook, Flocknote)

(Staff/PR Committee) 

Goal 3: To deepen our sense of community 

1) We will have parishioners participate in preparation for baptism and marriage.


2) We will have a guest sign in book in the gathering space and follow up.


3) We will continue our outreach to the poor and needy among us.

(Franciscan Outreach/Christian Service) 

4) We will profile parishioners in the bulletin.(Staff/Discipleship) 

Thanks for all you do to make this a vibrant parish! 

Fr. Jeff


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