A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


June 6-7, 2015

This year the feast of St. Anthony occurs on a Saturday. Since he is so important in our Franciscan tradition, we will have a special mass at 9:00am on Saturday morning. The customary blessing and distribution of bread will take place at this mass. You are all welcome to come, especially those who have been keeping the nine week novena.

Fr. Jeremy will host the June inquiry session after the 10:00am mass next Sunday. This monthly session is designed for those who feel drawn to more about our Catholic faith. If you know somebody who has expressed interest in becoming Catholic, please urge them to come. The format is designed to be very flexible and non-threatening.

On May 19th we held our final Christlife session for Part II, Following Christ. I want to thank our leadership team, Al Brankiewicz, Nancy Peterson, and Deacon Tom Mohan for guiding the program over the last five months. The final ChristLife segment, Sharing Christ, will begin in late September, and will guide participants towards a more active and outgoing witness to our faith. Next winter we will begin all over again, and offer this program to you.


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