Hi everyone, my name is Christina Ihlenfeldt, recently hired as a member of our new family of parishes team. I am your Director of Discipleship Formation, and I look so forward to meeting many of you in the near future! You will begin to see me in attendance at various masses and events at our parishes very soon. My deepest desire is to serve the Lord with devoted focus on Him and a heart of deep faith in God’s providence for the ministry He has called me to as your director. I am so humbled and blessed to be here in this role, and I am excited to see all that God has in store for our family of parishes! When you see me at mass or at one of our family functions, please do stop by and say hi – I look forward to meeting you!
Transfiguration Men's Club Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday April 16 - 3pm behind the Boyd Building
For all children of Transfiguration Parish
3rd grade and younger
Rain or shine
Rumor has it the Easter Bunny will be there!