Every three years Franciscans gather as a province to discuss our life together and to plan for the future. This week all three of us will be at such a meeting. We call it the Provincial Chapter. Fr. George Berendt PIME will celebrate mass while we are gone. The chapter will be held at St. Meinrad Archabbey in southwest Indiana; it will begin on Monday and end on noon on Friday.
We have 101 families already registered for the parish pictorial directory. Thanks to all who have made their appointments. Our parish website has a link to the scheduling center. I used it and found it to be quite easy. You can also register at mass this weekend or next weekend. There are still plenty of times available for you!
Looking ahead: Memorial Day's Monday mass will be at 9:00am instead of the usual 12:00pm. On June 1, Fr. Joe Hund, OFM will be the celebrant for our 10:00am mass. He has his 25th jubilee of ordination this year. Pentecost Sunday falls on June 8 this year. We will be calling upon the Holy Spirit to guide us in the choice of pastoral council and commission memberships at the 10:00am mass.