Congratulations to our first communicants who take a big step in their spiritual journey at this Sunday's 10:00am mass. Thanks to all who have been involved in their preparation for this big day. May this day be the first of many celebrations with our parish parish family.
Every day another nomination form for the pastoral council and/or commissions comes into the parish office. The degree of interest in parish leadership is one sign of a healthy parish. Please take to prayer your own involvement in our parish.
Next weekend has been designated as the World Day of Prayer for vocations. Please read carefully this message from Pope Francis:
"Today too, Jesus lives and walks along the paths of ordinary life in order to draw near to everyone, beginning with the least, and to heal us of our infirmities and illnesses. I turn now to those who are well disposed to listen to the voice of Christ that rings out in the Church and to understand what their own vocation is. I invite you to listen to and follow Jesus, and to allow yourselves to be transformed interiorly by his words, which “are spirit and life” (Jn 6:62). Mary, the Mother of Jesus and ours, also says to us: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). It will help you to participate in a communal journey that is able to release the best energies in you and around you. A vocation is a fruit that ripens in a well cultivated field of mutual love that becomes mutual service, in the context of an authentic ecclesial life. No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people, in the experience of fraternal love. Did not Jesus say: “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35)?"
Looking ahead: During the week of May 19-23, all of us friars are attending our provincial chapter at St. Meinrad, Indiana. This event occurs every three years, during which we discuss our life, our ministry and decide upon our leadership. Fr. George Berendt, PIME will celebrate our noon mass during the week we are gone. We will not have confessions on Tuesday of that week.