A Franciscan Parish in the Archdiocese of Detroit


October 10, 2021

From Our Pastor, Fr. Jeff

Why Intercessory prayer is important?

Praying for others is an opportunity to serve as joyful missionary disciples. We encounter Jesus in prayer as we speak to him about the suffering, sorrows and needs of those who ask us for prayers. One could say that if our Father in Heaven knows what we need before we ask, why is it important to ask? When we take time for intercessory prayer, we are taking our petitions to Jesus. “He is the one intercessor with the Father on behalf of all” and is “able for all time to save those who draw near to God through him,” in addition, the “Holy Spirit intercedes for us” (CCC 2634). Thus, as we recognize more and more that our encounter with Jesus impels us to long for others to know him, we become more attentive to the needs of others and how we have a role in intercessory prayer.

When we encounter Jesus through intercessory prayer, our relationship with him grows ever deeper. We recognize his love for each person, and as we grow in likeness to him, we too can realize our love for each person. We come to love as he loves, and the joy of knowing his love impels us to unleash the Gospel through our prayers.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament gives a powerful witness to our faith in intercessory prayer. We encounter Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist. We pray for the needs of the many who ask our prayers, and for those who do not ask and in this way, we grow in our awareness of the real presence of Jesus. By taking time for Adoration, and inviting another to join us, we give witness to the power of the Gospel with the assurance that He is with us always, “until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20).

May each of us become dedicated prayer warriors through the ministry of intercessory prayer!

Archbishop Allen Vigneron

We have an intercessory prayer group here at Transfiguration, which in time, will include our Family of Parishes.

  We welcome your participation.



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